
One more year of successful association with IWSC

Cohezia and the International Wine and Spirit Competition(IWSC), completed one more year of their successful association in 2013.

Like earlier years, this past one year too, was a positive, eventful year that took the relationship to the next level.

The IWSC is the most reputed competition of its kind in the world and is aimed at promoting the quality and excellence of the world’s best wines, spirits and Liqueurs.


Cohezia’s relationship with the group started in 2009, when we redesigned and gave a fresh new look to the group’s website. Since then, we have designed and created several websites like the Spirits of Mexico and Spirits of the Americas, for the various competitions that fall under the group’s ambit.


While creating these websites, Cohezia’s team focused on creating something which was at par with the competition’s global Reputation and brand image.