Month: September 2015

Cohezia USA – New Office Established

Cohezia announced the opening of a new US office in New York. The US office will allow Cohezia provide services to clients in the North America region and carry out international projects. The establishment of the US presence marks an important step in the growth and expansion of the group with offices now covering America, Europe and Asia.

Energiehandel Online – Energy Publication

A new online version of a specialist Energiehandel (German Energy Market Report) produced by leading energy news provider Heren Energy, has been created by Cohezia. The site features news, analysis, market data and statistical graphical displays. The application designed by Cohezia allows journalists to enter stories and market data which are then published on the site using a custom database driven content management and display solution. The new site not only reduced the costs/time to produce and distribute the daily publication it also provides an improved service to the readers.

Interactive Tours – Virtual Tour Solutions

A new specialist company, Interactive Tours, has been launched to provide virtual tour solutions. Virtual tours enable customers to see and interact with 360×360 degree panoramic images of a property, business, product or location. The images are created using state of the art imaging technology. Part of the Cohezia group, Interactive Tours will focus on delivering cost effective and specialised services to a broad range of industry sectors.


Do you want to be part of the audience or do you want to write the script? Cohezia CEO, Chandresh Pala, posed this thought provoking question amongst other pertinent insights at FRAMES 2003, a global convention on the Entertainment Business. An invited speaker at this high profile convention, Chandresh addressed a crowd spanning the fields of entertainment, television, film and technology. Some of the key points were: Technology is drastically changing the future of the entertainment business and there will be no escaping this.

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Artlab Presentation at Spectrum

Cohezia designed a multi-media presentation for Artlab and Smartslab presented by Workplace Art at the Spectrum exhibition in London. The presentation designed for plasma screen display, featured work from various artists, designers and companies specialising in cross media digital art and architecture.

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